Gary Smith's book Standard Deviations is an enjoyable, highly readable overview of using statistical analysis correctly and the pitfalls that can accompany its abuse. Unlike seemingly every other reviewer here, I am neither a PhD nor a statistician, but I do not believe this particular book is targeted to such a narrow audience/5(82). Estimation Gary Smith, in Essential Statistics, Regression, and Econometrics (Second Edition), Putting It All Together We can summarize the sampling distribution of the sample mean as follows: ()X¯ ∼ N[μ,σn] The sample mean has a sampling distribution that is (approximately) normal with a mean equal to the population mean for X and a standard deviation equal to a standard. In Standard Deviations, economics professor Gary Smith walks us through the various tricks and traps that people use to back up their own crackpot theories. Sometimes, the unscrupulous deliberately try to mislead us. Other times, the well-intentioned are blissfully unaware of the mischief they are committing.
Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23nd edition, Toan Tran. Download Download PDF. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. This Paper. A short summary of this paper. 32 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. The standard deviation of the residuals is still denoted s (or sometimes to dis-tinguish it from the standard deviation of y). The degrees of freedom calculation follows our rule of thumb: the degrees of free-dom is the number of observations () minus one for each coefficient estimated— for this model, 3. This book from Gary Smith was recommended while I was reading another book on skepticism and critical thinking, and Standard Deviations didn't disappoint. The chapters in this book are short and sweet to give you examples and overviews about how data can be misinterpreted.
Gary Smith's Standard Deviations is both a statement of principles for doing statistical inference correctly and a practical guide for interpreting the (supposedly) data-based inferences other people have drawn. The book is cleverly written and engaging to read, full of concrete examples that make clear not just what Smith is saying but why it. Estimation Gary Smith, in Essential Statistics, Regression, and Econometrics (Second Edition), Putting It All Together We can summarize the sampling distribution of the sample mean as follows: ()X¯ ∼ N[μ,σn] The sample mean has a sampling distribution that is (approximately) normal with a mean equal to the population mean for X and a standard deviation equal to a standard. Gary Smith's book Standard Deviations is an enjoyable, highly readable overview of using statistical analysis correctly and the pitfalls that can accompany its abuse. Unlike seemingly every other reviewer here, I am neither a PhD nor a statistician, but I do not believe this particular book is targeted to such a narrow audience.